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Radiation Oncology (Physics)

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Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Volume III: Spine, Extremities, Joints 
Full coverage of the spine, extremities, joints! 
Torsten B. Moeller, MD & Emil Reif, MD 
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Known to radiologists around the world for its superior illustrations and practical features, the "Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy" now reflects the very latest in imaging technology. In the clinic, this compact book acts as the perfect navigational tool for radiologists and technicians with CT and MRI.

Highlights of Volume III:

-All new CT and MR images of the highest quality presented alongside brilliant full-color drawings, now enhanced with cardiac imaging.
-More than 470 illustrations.
-Expanded and updated coverage of the structures of the arm, shoulder, elbow, hand, leg, hip, knee, foot, and spine.
-Didactic approach and consistent format throughout -- one slice per page pair.
-Consistent color coding, making it easy to identify individual structures across contiguous sections.

Table of Contents:

I. THORAX: CT of the Thorax, axial; MRI of the Thorax, sagittal; MRI of the Thorax, coronal; Pulmonary Vessels, MR-Angiography; MR-Mammography, axial. II. ABDOMEN: CT of the Abdomen, axial; MRI of the abdomen, sagittal; MRI of the Abdomen, coronal; Renal Artery, MR-Angiography; MR-Angiography of the Coeliac Trunk; MR-Angiography of the Splenic and Portal Veins; MR-Cholangiopancreatography. III. PELVIS: MRI of the Female Pelvis, axial; MRI of the Female Pelvis, sagittal; MRI of the Female Pelvis, coronal; MRI of the Male Pelvis, sagittal; MRI of the Male Pelvis, coronal; MRI of the Prostate, axial; MRI of the Testes, sagittal. IV. LOWER EXTREMITY: MR-Angiography of the Lower Extremity


"A comprehensive collection of high-quality images and detailed color illustrations...a highly specialized navigational tool for imaging professionals, including technologists and radiologists...clear, concise extensive color-coded sheme differentiates the numerous muscles, nerves, and tendons...easy to use and provides complete coverage of sectional for CT and MRI... [Together with Volume 1 and 2, this book ] serve[s] as an excellent reference tool for MR and CT technologists, especially those studying for the CT or MR boards. High-resolution images and detailed color illustrations equip technologists with in-depth coverage of sectional anatomy in every place."--ADVANCE for Imaging and Radiation Therapy Professionals

Torsten B. Moeller, MD & Emil Reif, MD
341 Pages, Illustrations: 485, 2007
$55.00 U.S.
ISBN: 9781588905666 / 9783131431714  
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Radiation Oncology (Clinical)

Clinical Oncology

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